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How to add and manage competitor websites to your projects
How to add and manage competitor websites to your projects

Find out how you can add or modify competitors to your Dashboard and Rank Tracker

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Written by May
Updated this week

Adding competitors to a new project

When adding a website as a new project, step 5 of the process prompts you to add competitors. You can either add them manually, or get suggestions of competitors based on websites that rank for similar keywords as the project's website does:

You can add up to 10 competitors to a single project.

💡 If you need to add more competitors than that, do note that you can create the same project a second time and add additional competitors in that second project.

Adding competitors to an existing project

If your project doesn't already have competitors, there are 2 ways to add them:

From the dashboard

Any project that doesn't have competitors will show the option to add competitors:

From Rank Tracker

You'll also see the "Add" option under Competitors if you navigate over to the Rank Tracker tab on your dashboard for a project without competitors:

​How many competitors can I add per project?

Each project can add up to 10 competitors.

How to add competitors to compare against your website in Rank Tracker

Managing existing competitors in your project

Once you already have competitors, you can edit them in Rank Tracker > Competitors Overview by clicking on the "Edit" as shown:

Or anywhere that provides an option to go to the project's Settings.

Here's the way to do so from Rank Tracker > Overview:

Here's the way to do so from the main Dashboard, via the 3 dot menu on the right of any project:

Finally, click on the Competitors tab and add or modify your competitors accordingly.

Once you are done, click "Save".

Quickly view Metrics of Competitors on the Dashboard

You can click on "Show competitors" to quickly see their metrics against the chosen project's metrics in the dashboard:

👆 Bolded metrics and deltas exceed the values of the main target (which in the above case, is

To compare their performance over time​ against the chosen project's website, click on "Compare on Overview":

This will open up Site Explorer > Overview for the project's website and have it's competitors pre-loaded in the performance chart:

In this case we are seeing the Organic Traffic over time of against 3 of its competitors. You can select a different metric from the dropdown, or add/remove competitors as you need to.

Compare competitors against your website in Rank Tracker

Share of voice, Average position, Traffic, and more

With competitors are added to your project, you can go to Rank Tracker > Competitors Overview and click on any of these metrics at the top of the graph to compare competitors' metrics over time:

View up to 10 competitor website traffic against your website over time for a custom selection of keywords

Keyword rankings and SERP feature positions of competitors against your own website

Select "Positions and SERP features" to view their positions in Google for the chosen project's Tracked keywords. You can also filter for specific position ranges or SERP features:

Compare google ranking positions and SERP feature positions for your website against competitor websites

💡 Learn more information about how to master this report in our Academy

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