When using the Ahrefs Wordpress plugin, there can be a case where after running the content audit, you see incomplete or empty results.
This is likely due to your WordPress website using 2 different URLs: one internal / staging URL, and one public facing URL. For the plugin to work, you might need to apply more advanced settings:
Let's imagine the staging website URL is blog.ahrefs.com and the public URL is ahrefs.com/blog/.
To make sure the plugin picks up the correct pages in your Wordpress website, please add the following block of code to your functions.php file (https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/theme-functions/#what-is-functions-php) or to your active theme.
You will need to specify the domain name of public URL (in our example it is 'ahrefs.com'
) and the public URL of the site (in our example it is 'https://ahrefs.com/blog'
). Remember to replace both these fields with your own domain name and the public URL:
// Ahrefs domain redirect begin.
define('REPLACEMENT_DOMAIN', 'ahrefs.com'); // public domain name.
define('REPLACEMENT_SITE_PATH', 'https://ahrefs.com/blog'); // public URL of site, without trailing slash.
add_filter( 'ahrefs_seo_post_url', function( $domain ) {
return rtrim( str_replace( home_url(), REPLACEMENT_SITE_PATH, $domain ), '/');
add_filter( 'ahrefs_seo_domain', function( $domain ) {
add_filter( 'ahrefs_seo_search_traffic_url', function( $domain ) {
return rtrim( str_replace( home_url(), REPLACEMENT_SITE_PATH, $domain ), '/');
} );
// Ahrefs domain redirect end.