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Where do you get the data from?

Check what dat we have, and what sources we use over here at Ahrefs

Helen avatar
Written by Helen
Updated over 2 months ago

📚 Full information about our Content, Keyword and Backlink database can be found at

Content and Backlinks data

We have our own search crawlers: AhrefsBot and AhrefsSiteAudit that work 24/7. As such, we have been collecting our own website and backlink data since 2013 and are not affiliated with third-party search engines or similar services (we do not use data from Alexa, Altavista, Google, Webalta, etc).

Our Search engine maintains its index using a separate crawler called YepBot.

Keywords data

We blend in data from Google keywords planner, Google trends, Google Search Console data, and other third party data sources to find keywords, estimate their search volumes and click-through rates. We request for consent before collection, then anonymise and aggregate the data to use it without identifying any particular entity or user. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information.


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