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How to control credits usage

Learn about the three options you have to control credits usage in your workspace.

Constance Tan avatar
Written by Constance Tan
Updated this week

Note: The following article applies only to current Starter plans, Lite plans, and older credit-based plans. To check which plan you have, refer to this guide.

Current Standard plans and higher have unlimited fair usage for every active user. To upgrade your plan, go to and select a new plan.

Charges occur according to the number of credits that users in your workspace consume each month. By controlling credits usage in your workspace, you control these charges.

Charges for usage

Users and credits are charged according to this usage cycle:

  • At the beginning of a billing month, each user starts as Inactive with their credit usage reset to 0.

  • If a user consumes more than 5 credits, they become a Casual user and a $20 charge is added.

  • If a user consumes more than 100 credits, they become a Power user and another charge is added ($20-$60 depending on your plan).

  • If a Power user consumes more than 500 (Lite plans), 750 (Standard plans) or 1000 (Advanced plans) credits and you enable additional pay-as-you-go credits, they start consuming additional credits from a pool shared by all workspace users. If there are credits available in the pool, the user will be able to consume them. Otherwise, 500 credits at $35 will be added on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Monitoring pay-as-you-go-credits

If Pay-as-you-go is active, you will see the additional credits per month available to be spent next to the "Additional credits /mo" line in Account settings > Limits & usage.

Options to control usage

You have three options to control credits usage in your workspace from Account settings > Limits & usage.

  • Limit credits usage by individual users. Set limits for users to make sure that they will not go beyond the Inactive, Casual or Power usage levels respectively and be charged. You can also set a custom number as a limit, or have no limit entirely.

  • Disable additional pay-as-you-go credits (default setting). As long as you do not manually enable additional pay-as-you-go credits, users will not consume and be charged for more than 500 (Lite plan), 600 (Standard plan) or 750 (Advanced & Enterprise plans) credits. To disable additional credits, make sure that this toggle is turned off.

  • Limit additional pay-as-you-go credits. Set a limit for the number of additional pay-as-you-go credits that can be added and charged each month.

Reaching limits

When a user reaches their credits limit, they will not be able to use tools that consume credits until the end of the billing month (when the usage resets to 0). They will still be able to use Site Audit and Rank Tracker, as well as access the Dashboard to view their projects.

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